Fact checker from Addictions.com

  • I drink responsibly so I am not addicted to alcohol – FALSE

    • Alcohol addiction is not ALWAYS the result of being irresponsible. And just because you don’t drink and drive or get into trouble when you drink, does not mean that you cannot still be suffering from an addiction to alcohol.

The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism statistics show that the age of a person’s first alcoholic drink may determine their likelihood in becoming an alcoholic. It has been found that those who had their first alcoholic drink before they were 15 were much more likely to have a problem with alcohol later in life than those who abstained until a later age.

The World Health Organization estimates there are approximately 140 million alcoholics worldwide! Additionally statistics show that 1 in 25 deaths around the world can be attributed to alcoholism in one way or another.

In the United States approximately 18 million people have an alcoholic disorder. In Albuquerque, New Mexico it is the number 2 biggest addiction faced. It is led only by opiate addiction.

Remember this when I tell you over and over that you are not alone. We can help.

If you have realized that you or a loved one needs help with alcohol addiction, you can now begin to make the right preparations to seek help for you or for them.

Fact checker from Addictions.com

  • Food can absorb alcohol and reduce the time that an individual is intoxicated. – FALSE

    • Food does not absorb alcohol and it has nothing to do with how long an individual remains intoxicated once they drink alcohol. Alcohol will take approximately one hour to metabolize through the body per ounce.

Does the 12 Step Program Work?

There is a reason why the 12 step program has been around for so long. It does work.  It allows you to conquer the individual issues of alcoholism in baby steps.

The first step is making a commitment to change. Alcoholics who are pressured or forced into treatment rarely succeed in the long run.

Sure, they may make it through the initial withdrawals but those only take 3 to 7 days depending on the severity of the alcoholism.

Fact checker from Addictions.com

  • Alcohol is not physically addictive – FALSE

    • Alcohol is one of the MOST physically addictive substances available. When used with other drugs, alcohol can lead to overdose and other physical health problems. Used long term, alcohol can lead to a number of withdrawal symptoms that are painful and difficult to cope with.

Almost 95% of alcoholics experience withdrawal symptoms when they suddenly stop drinking. These symptoms can be treated quite successfully in our outpatient therapy that we offer.

We use 4 different types of anti-craving medication that may be used based off the need and history of the individual patient. We also have a medical doctor and a nurse practitioner on staff to assist with any anxiety issues that come up.

Above all, my main goal is to be very careful and thoughtful when prescribing any medication to someone recovering from any addiction. The last thing we want is to replace one addiction for another.

After the alcohol clears out in those first days, your body no longer has a chemical dependency. It is now all psychological and quite honestly, this is the stage that is harder to get past than just throwing up for a few days.

The Key To Recovery

The biggest thing for a successful recovery for an alcoholic is support.

My main focus at Turning Point Recovery Center is on customer service. We want to build a supportive relationship with all our patients to give them the best possible chance of success.

Addressing the underlying issues of alcoholism has to be done, no matter how painful that sometimes is.

Working with alcoholism is a long term treatment. But in the end, aren’t we all just works in progress?

I certainly don’t live in a glass house and am far from perfection. Sticking with your treatment is paramount. That is why we believe in having a good relationship with you instead of treating you like just another case.
