We are now at the end of our journey through the 12 Steps, but not at the end of our journey to recovery. For working the 12 Steps means that we must be continually aware of the principles we have discovered, and we must bring those principles to others in need of hearing the 12-Step message. Thus, Step 12 says:
“Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.”
The wording of Step 12 from The Alternative Twelve Steps is:
“Practice the principles of these Steps in all our affairs and carry the 12-Step message to others.”
In other words, in order to stay sober, we must continue to practice what we have been practicing to get to this point in our lives and we must tell others about our journey.
Helping Others
Recovery is a difficult struggle for those going through the process. It involves a lot of self-reflection and a lot of honesty and raw emotion. Once we’ve gone through our spiritual transformations, it’s important to continue to reach out to help those who are still struggling with their addictions. One ought to give such help freely, without asking for anything in return. In doing so, we can solidify how far we’ve come from the early days on the path to recovery, and we can help show those who are still struggling along the path that there are easier and brighter roads ahead.
Continuing to Practice the 12 Steps
One of the important things to remember about the 12 Steps is that they’re not a destination. Instead, they are a guide for introspection, self-examination, growth, and moving forward. To continue to be on the journey toward lasting sobriety, it’s important to continue to practice those principles in our lives daily. Honesty in our daily affairs, sharing our struggles with others, being willing to change and honest about our mistakes, being open to change – all of these principles are ones that we now must incorporate into our daily lives. In so doing, we can start to see lasting effects and have spiritual clarity.
Recovery Isn’t “Done” Just Because You Get to Step 12
As anyone who has gone through the recovery process will point out, getting to the end of the 12 Steps doesn’t mean that now you are magically addiction-free and you can go about your business. Remaining sober is a daily commitment and can sometimes be a daily struggle. There will be times when the temptation to slip back into an addiction will be strong, and you will need to remind yourself of just how far you’ve come on your journey. By continuing to practice the 12-steps, and seeing sobriety as a journey and not a destination, you can help stave off the false sense of security some recovering addicts have that can lead to a big step backwards.
If you would like help maintaining your sobriety, you can count on those at Focused Recovery to be there for you. Contact us today to learn more about the programs we offer to our clients.
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